BeelievAbility Policies

Clinic Attendance Policy:

We are currently in the process of updating and changing our space at the hive. Due to limited space and future changes, we ask that you limit attendance to sessions with max of 2 adults to accompany the child. If additional adults or children are present, we will ask that they wait in the waiting room during the session. Please do not ask your therapist day of to make accommodations or to "break" this policy. We will strictly be enforcing this policy, especially entering cold/flu season and with our clinic changes. This will allow us to keep a safe and clean treatment space, keeping the focus on the health and progress of the child attending the session. 

*No siblings are allowed in the gym or treatment rooms during scheduled sessions. If you need to bring other children to the clinic,they must stay in the waiting room with adult supervision. Again, our goal is to have the parent and/or caregiver and therapist give their full attention to the patient during their treatment session with limited distractions.

Sickness Policy Reminder: 

We kindly ask that you cancel if you/your child have the following:

-A temperature above 100.3, but test negative for COVID- 19.You can return when fever free and without assistance of fever reducing medication for 24 hours. 

-Had COVID within the past 5 days.

Return 5 days from symptom onset if: fever free for 24 hours and must wear a mask upon return.
-Have cold/flu symptoms, but tested negative for COVID- 19. Return when symptoms have improved and 24 hours from symptom onset and fever free.
-If you/child test positive for COVID- 19 during your intensive. Please let a person at BeelievAbility know of the positive test/possible exposure. If you have no symptoms and fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication, you may return after 5 days and must wear a mask.
-Appointments cancelled within 24 hours of the scheduled appointment time will not be refunded. Missed sessions may not be rescheduled or made up. 

Late Policy Reminder:

All BeelievAbility sessions run 45 minutes starting on the hour. If you are running late, the session will still end at 45 minutes to the hour to allow us to set up for the next patient. All patients and caregivers must wait in a waiting room until the start of their session. Your therapist will come get you from the waiting room to bring you back to start your session. If the therapist is running late, they will make sure your child receives the full 45 minutes. 

*We ask that all families are respectful of the time at the hive so each family is able to receive their full session without interruption. If you would like to chat with other bee families, please move to a common space or one of the waiting rooms to socialize. 

Visitor Policy Reminder:

If you would like to inquire about another medical professional or additional persons attending, please email us at and/or ask in the initial zoom call before the intensive. Unexpected visitors will be asked to stay in a waiting room during the therapy session.

*We also ask any previous patients/families that are in the clinic area or attending sessions with Cooper Family Chiropractic to refrain from stopping by to say hello to therapists. As much as we would LOVE to see you and catch up, we do not want to distract from a session that is taking place. You can always leave a note with the front desk.